Packing and Procrastination

A bonus post to figure out if everything appears to be working…

Is it procrastination if one doesn’t pack for a trip until the day before leaving? It feels like it is… Not that this feeling will end up changing anything…

Our drugs are packed. This might not seem like a big deal, but I bought a triple unfolding bag from Peace Frogs Travel in Barracks that is designed to hold ALL bathroom items for a trip — just unfold it and hang it on a hook. No more pawing through a carry-bag for this or that or the other thing. We FILLED it with our prescription medications. The carry bag will again be used for shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving items, deodorant, scissors, bandaids, and so on and so forth. The nightly ritual of pawing through the “bathroom bag” remains.

But I digress. Procrastination or no, tomorrow we will somehow get everything into the car and sometime early on Thursday we will drive said car out the driveway and over the hill and far away, to a house in Louisville, KY.

Of course, it’s not all bad. Today I managed to pack my computer bag and my art bag so that I can read, write, and create art while we while away the evening in 100-degree weather, sitting on the porch watching the glow from the nearest fire. Have to remember to pack the marshmallows tomorrow, along with several really long sticks!

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Susan and I are looking forward to the time away, seeing the sights and planning the next phase of our lives. We wish you peace.


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